Friday, November 25, 2011

A tough pill to swallow.


I know that God loves us equally.

While I know this fact, I struggle at times to believe this with all of my heart.  When is it the hardest for you? I’m reminded everyday that my God loves me. When my Ava smiles, I’m reminded that doctors told us we had a slim chance to conceive. When my husband hugs me, I’m reminded that God gave him to me. When I go to work, and come home to a roof over my head and food on our table, I’m reminded of God’s Grace. Yet, what is it that makes me struggle to believe that He loves us all equally? When I see so many women conceiving, and others that may never, I struggle. When I see so many suffering from cancer, and others abusing their bodies, and living without medical problems, I struggle. I used to think, Man! those people are lucky… But is it really luck? How can one person struggle, while the next suffers, and I’m supposed to believe that He loves us equally? I can only rationalize this by telling myself that those suffering, are suffering for a reason. It is through our suffering that God’s grace can shine through. I good friend once told me that He does give us more than we can handle, so that we learn to let him take the wheel.

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

1 comment:

  1. Well first of all I love you Lauren and it is true that it is hard to swallow that the Lord should love us all equally. Cause the fact of the matter is he doesn't. Predestination is a hard concept to grasp and why the Lord sent some people on this earth as "godly/good" vessels...and others as "wicked/bad" vessels.(2Timothy2:20) The fact is He sent us all for a reason. He wrote our lives before we were even born from the foundations of the earth.(isaiah41:4 or Jer1:5) But, He does love his children/his called out ones/ his choosen few. The fact of the matter is like I said before, He gives us these trials to strengthen us because without storms, we all would be like robots wandering earth randomly without no stories<3. He makes us, molds us, brings the rain and then reconstructs us, better. If I could say one thing Lauren to you is, keep doing what you are doing. Searching the Lord with an open mind/palate. Keep Looking for God "outside" of the "box". That is where he is. And he opens himself to His called out ones. The ones that are his vessels of his rightousness. (The righteousness of man is foolishness to God). He shows himself to those who openly, humbly seek him. And come joy, come devestation, come happiness come sorrow, come Sun,or come storm. Choose to believe and praise/thank him anyway. You are clearly his choosen. You are blessed beyond the riches any man can give you. Keep searching, we may not see his point or why he choose particular paths/obstacales for us...But we can choose to understand that, in him is Good. And he works all things to Good (romans 8:28). And that even though we see through a glass darkly (1cor13:12)in the end we will understand and be thankful for every stone thrown at us, every scar recieved and every battle one, in the name of the Lord. Because with him we are on the winning end of the battle. <3 This is your war. You can choose to love him for Ava's smile, for your husbands soft touch, and for the lost dreams that were seemably destroyed and stand as his child...Or you can choose to dwell on the fact that our carnal/finite comprehension cant understand the allknowing thoughts of the Omnipotent God who made us, and say he doesnt exist because he doesnt work in the realm of our comprehension<3 You choose to find him, where he shows you himself. That is the true Love of God. Seeking and finding<3 Love you....!!!!!!
