Thursday, January 20, 2011

No! Really, it WILL work.

Today's goal: Keep my opinions and judgements to myself.
As opinionated as I am, sometimes it's way more interesting to just sit back, and listen to everyone else. So, that's my plan for today, although, it might kill me! lol! (If you know me, you will understand :)

An update: I have begun running again. I used to enjoy it so much! It was my escape. In high school  I ran for sports practices, and then again every night, after dinner. When I was running, I was free! Free from family, homework, arguing, and stress. I want that feeling back! I'd like to be able to run in a 5k someday!(another goal) You know what else would be totally rad? If I could lose a crap ton of weight while I'm at it! Oh!! how I would love to see my collarbone again too :)

In my belly: Raisin and Walnut Oatmeal
On the radio: "Celebrate Good Times, C'Mon!" (Man, I hate work radio!)
What I'm looking forward to: Disney On Ice with A Bird and Naps!


  1. 5K May 1, Flower City, Rochester....Plenty of time to be ready, and YES you will lose a crapload of weight if you run :) :)

  2. ran 3/4 of a mile last night!! without stopping!! although.. it was at a 20 min mile pace :( But, I'll get there!! (haven't even lost apund yet though... it must take a while! Muscle weighs more than fat (I keep telling myself!)
