To some, making babies comes easy.
It doesn’t for us.
We tried for a couple of years for A Bird. After some major discoveries, we started Infertility treatments. Medications, surgeries, tears, poking, prodding, a bit of money and numerous negative test results later, nothing worked. We temporarily gave up for the summer to regain some strength and find my marbles. By Labor Day, I was pregnant! Naturally!! That’s some amazing crap, eh? (especially since we were only given a 3% chance to ever get pregnant naturally.)
Four years later, our world is pretty awesome, but lacking something. Another child and a sibling for A Bird. So, here we go again! Four years with no birth control (what so ever) and still nothing.
So it begins again. Poking, prodding, drugs and hope. A lot of hope.
The injections started yesterday….

To my surprise, I was able to give myself the first two shots! (Matt had to them last time, I was being a sissy.) The drugs to the left are hormones. Rather than one egg, I will ovulate numerous eggs each cycle. Making the odds of pregnancy a little better, but also increasing the odds of multiples.(Yikes!) One of the other Injectable meds will make me ovulate. It’s really a very doctor-controlled situation. Once I am ovulating, we will have a procedure done called an IUI. (Intrauterine insemination). I won’t go into detail with that one. It’s done with Matt’s “special men” being directly placed into my uterus via a catheter.
This all is pretty stressful. The many trips to Strong, the high copays, the bills after insurance covers what little they cover, the blood draws… I could go on. I suppose if I end up pregnant, it’s sooooo worth it! Only time will tell.
I was kinda thinking that not too many peeps out there really know what this is all about, so if anyone has any questions, you know me, feel free to ask.
As always, thanks for reading.