Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dear Matt.

"So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you."
— Paulo Coelho*

Thank you so much for being there when I need you.
For accepting all of my faults, and flaws.
For loving me unconditionally.
For giving me Ava.
You are an amazing person, father, husband and human being. (Believe it, it's  true!)
You have overcome so much in your life to become who you are today. Stand proud.
I thank God everyday for giving you to me, some days, I feel undeserving of such a gift.
I hope to never take you for granted.
I cherish every moment with you.
I love you a crap ton!

*quote borrowed from Laura Hibbard Taylor via Facebook

Monday, March 28, 2011

"Better recognize your brothers..."


I was reminded today of an awesome artist, person, lyricist, and song.
Here is a brief description of my beliefs. I was raised Catholic. As I've aged, I've questioned the Bible, and Catholicism. Which, by the way, I  feel is totally normal, and should happen to everyone at some point. I believe that Jesus died for our sins. An overwhelming thought, when you really ponder the idea. He actually gave his life, for all of our sins. I couldn't do that.
Anyway, I struggle with my faith. Not in the sense that I don't believe in God, or the power of prayer. I guess it's more of a Bible thing. An "all or nothing" thing. My Bible tells me that being gay is a sin. That abortion is a sin. I am not against gay or lesbian couples or marriages. I feel that Love is Love, and everyone deserves to find it. The God I believe in would not want someone to suffer in the skin, body, or soul they're in, even if He gave it to them. We accept it, and love it, or hate it, change it, and learn and grow from it.
I try to live each day, the way I am supposed to live. We all know right from wrong. I try to treat others the way I would like to be treated, or better yet, the way they deserve to be treated as a fellow human being. (Yes, I fail miserably sometimes, and can be mean. *gasp*)  I try to accept people for who they are. I try to respect them for who they are, and for they're opinions and beliefs weather the same as mine or not.
This world is changing and will end with us, or without us. Maybe we could open our minds a little, respect each other and the gifts around us, and enjoy the ride a little more. Anyway, I saw a connection between this awesome song and my thoughts. Not sure if you'll see it too. Either way, listen a little, he had a lot of good stuff to say.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Reflection Part One!!! Viewer Discretion Advised.

Well, where to start!! I guess I'll go with the obvious life changing events I have recently undergone :)
This blog will be the most honest and private to date, so, if you're not into "TMI" stop reading NOW!
For about 15 years now (or well, since puberty) my "ladies" have grown at a very uneven pace. The left had decided to be huge, while the right side was content chilling as a little gal. Although I'm by far not vain in any way, and have never really cared so much about my breast size, this created issues, to say the least. Not so much at first, but as I grew, gained weight, and became pregnant, the left continued to be large and in charge, while the right side stayed put. (to put it into perspective, the left side was a DD and the right side was a B cup)  This CONTROLLED my life. I had to stuff the right side (yes, I said STUFF!!) with two silicone "cutlets" just to give the appearance of them being even. If I left the house without the "cutlets, I would panic and have to turn back to get them. No tank tops, tight or low cut shirts, or bathing suits (without a sport bra underneath) Not to mention feeling like Quasimodo in lingerie, or well, in anything for that matter. I handled it well, I thought. Made a joke out of it, told everyone, laughed about it, even though it really sucked deep down. Luckily for me, I've taught myself to maintain confidence, no matter the weather.
It took ten years to muster up the balls to do it, and two attempts at persuading my insurance company to cover the surgery.........and a HUGE thank you to Dr. D'Amore (how appropriate right? Dr Love!!!) to achieve what I've always wanted. EVEN breasts. I can't begin to describe how incredible they look!! Well, aside from the stitches, and bruising lol!! It's quite an emotional thing when something that has basically defined me for so many years, is now nothing but a memory. I've had emotional highs and lows, and pain to go along with it. It might take some time to get used to the new me, but I know once it happens, life will be good.
(p.s. would love to post some pics, but they might be too graphic for my follower's virgin eyes! lol!)