Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Time For New

New ideas. New life. New Projects. New Chapters. February in a nutt shell.
As I start today with a new nephew, Walter Charles, I think of how awesome life is. How even though, I may not have everything I want, I still have so much! ( I know, that sounds super cheesey. And no, I don't always feel this way, but I'm trying) I have n awesome family with a husband and daughter that mean the world to me. Yes, it still feels as if it may be one person short. But hell, It could be just Matt and I, or, even just me. I am blessed to have them both, and try every day to accept that this may just be the way it's supposed to be.
do have control over certain things. Though lately, it hasn't felt like it. I do totally have control over my weight, and for the most part, my health. I am determined to lose weight and be a healthier person. ( and now thanks to Matt, I have a new IPod to rock out too while I run my ass off!!!!) And I know it will be hard and trying.
I'm itching for spring!! and all of the projects that come with it. Oh man, there are many!
Anyway, I suppose I'm just having one of those life pondering days.... I better stop myself before I get to deep, eh??

In my belly:  Water!
On my mind:  Babies
What I'm lovin' right now: the warmer weather headed our way!
What I'm looking forward to: this weekend!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

If Wishes Were Horses....

If wishes were horses
Beggars would ride:
If turnips were watches
I would wear one by my side.[1]
And if ifs and ans were pots and pans,
The tinker would never work!

I wish....

To see Crosby, Stills, and Nash in concert.
That insurance will pay for my surgery.
To see Vampire Weekend in concert.
For my sister to have an easy labor, and healthy baby.
For a snow day tomorrow!
An awesome tax return.
To lose 30 lbs.
For Linus to learn to pee outside.